
羅盛軟件 (Lawson Software) 公布 2008 財(cái)年第二財(cái)季財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告

2008-01-17 15:53 4484


上海1月17日電 /新華美通/ -- 羅盛軟件(納斯達(dá)克代碼:LWSN)今日公布了截止至2007年11月30日的2008財(cái)年第二財(cái)季財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告。羅盛軟件從2007年6月1日起進(jìn)入2008財(cái)年,第二財(cái)季的 GAAP(公認(rèn)會計(jì)原則)收入上升至2.186億美元,與2007年同期收入1.845億美元相比,增幅為18%。公司公布的各項(xiàng)收入均為兩位數(shù)增長,其中軟件許可證收入上升至3300萬美元(增長50%),服務(wù)維護(hù)收入上升至8470 萬美元(增長19%),咨詢收入上升至1.009億美元(增長10%)。

第二財(cái)季的 GAAP 凈收入為370萬美元,每股攤薄為0.02美元。凈收入的同比增長主要?dú)w功于軟件許可證和維護(hù)收入的增加。這些收益與其他收益中記錄的420萬美元非運(yùn)營永久性減損支出相抵,降低了公司所持有的拍賣利率證券的公允價(jià)值。詳見如下所述:減損支出對凈收益的影響每股攤薄為0.02美元。公司估計(jì)幣值波動對每股凈收益亦有負(fù)面影響,可達(dá)0.01美元。有關(guān)幣值波動對羅盛軟件歷年績效的影響,請參考本報(bào)告附表 1。

所公布的 GAAP 凈收益和每股凈收益中稅前開支總計(jì)770萬美元,其中包括無形資產(chǎn)攤銷,已購入的維護(hù)合同攤銷,采購賬目對咨詢成本和重組支出的影響,以及拍賣利率證券的420萬美元永久性減損支出和220萬美元的非現(xiàn)金股權(quán)激勵(lì)。除去以上開支,并包括對前 Intentia International AB 收購產(chǎn)生的期初遞延收入余額的采購賬目調(diào)整后獲得的40萬美元的維護(hù)和服務(wù)收入,2008財(cái)年第二財(cái)季的非 GAAP 凈收益為1560萬美元,每股攤薄為0.09美元。

“我們第二財(cái)季的結(jié)果表明我們各地區(qū)各方面都有強(qiáng)大實(shí)力,”總裁兼 CEO Harry Debes 認(rèn)為,“追求卓越是永無止境的,公司收益的同比增長印證了我們在業(yè)務(wù)方面取得的飛速進(jìn)展?!?/p>


截至2007年11月30日為止的半年中 GAAP 收入為4.06億美元,同比3.463億美元增幅達(dá)17%。GAAP 凈收入為930萬美元,每股攤薄為 0.05美元。公司估計(jì)半年中幣值波動對每股凈收益產(chǎn)生負(fù)面影響,達(dá)0.02美元。

所公布的半年度 GAAP 結(jié)果中稅前開支為1940萬美元,其中包括已收購無形資產(chǎn)攤銷,拍賣利率證券的永久性減損支出,已購入維護(hù)合同攤銷,采購賬目對咨詢成本和重組支出的影響以及430萬美元的非現(xiàn)金股權(quán)激勵(lì)。除去以上開支,并包括對前 Intentia International AB 收購產(chǎn)生的期初遞延收入余額的采購賬目調(diào)整后獲得的100萬美元的維護(hù)和服務(wù)收入,截至2007年11月30日的半年度非 GAAP 凈收益為2830萬美元,每股攤薄為0.15美元。


2008財(cái)年的第三季度止于2008年2月29日,預(yù)計(jì)公司總收入可達(dá)2.16億美元至2.20億美元,其中包括許可費(fèi)用同比增長約20%。公司期望 GAAP 全面攤薄每股凈收益為0.03 至 0.04 美元,其中不含拍賣利率證券的進(jìn)一步減損。非 GAAP 全面攤薄每股收益預(yù)計(jì)為0.07至 0.08美元,其中不含預(yù)計(jì)為950萬美元的稅前開支,包括與收購相關(guān)的無形資產(chǎn)攤銷,已購入的維護(hù)合同攤銷以及股權(quán)激勵(lì)費(fèi)用。2008財(cái)年非 GAAP 的有效稅率預(yù)計(jì)為37%至40%。


-- 季末公司擁有的現(xiàn)金、現(xiàn)金等價(jià)物、有價(jià)證券及長期投資總值為4.241億美

元(其中不含750萬美元限定用途現(xiàn)金),上季末2007年 8月31日結(jié)余為


-- 遞延收入總額為1.765億美元,包括3610萬美元遞延收入,截至2007年8月



-- 軟件許可證交易總數(shù)有所上升,已完成交易為331宗,上年同期為307宗。所有


-- 新簽署了三十八宗新客戶交易,上年同期為27宗。對新客戶的平均售價(jià)為37.3萬

美元,上年同期為42萬美元。此趨勢預(yù)計(jì)還將持續(xù),由于美國本土以外地區(qū) M3


-- 新簽署的交易中,超過1百萬美元為2宗,50萬至1百萬之間為8宗,去年同期分別


-- 關(guān)鍵客戶:美國 - 俄亥俄州哥倫布市 Children's Hospital Central

California,堪薩斯州托皮卡市 Marsh Supermarkets,Mosaic Sales

Solutions,內(nèi)不拉斯加醫(yī)學(xué)中心 (Nebraska Medical Center),明尼蘇達(dá)州

Oldcastle 和 Scott County。歐洲、中東和非洲地區(qū) -- Boissons Glacieres

Internationales,D2i Groupe Invicta,F(xiàn)letchers Bakeries,Pork Farms

Limited。亞太地區(qū) -- 新西蘭 Kumfs,Sheppard Industries Limited,日本


-- 公司在第二財(cái)季回購了331,766股普通股,總值310萬美元,平均每股9.29美元。




截至2007年11月30日,公司擁有現(xiàn)金及現(xiàn)金等價(jià)物總值為4.316億美元,其中包括2760萬美元有價(jià)證券和5870萬美元長期投資。在保守的公司政策影響下,公司長期以來僅將過剩現(xiàn)金投向評級高的投資級證券,將保有資本和流動性作為首要目標(biāo)。2007年11月30日公司長期投資持有評級 AA 或 AAA 的拍賣利率證券,可隨時(shí)用于償還債務(wù)。但是,這些證券的流動和公允價(jià)值主要受到信貸市場不確定因素和債券保險(xiǎn)公司的財(cái)務(wù)狀況影響。因此,出于謹(jǐn)慎性原則并部分基于管理公司投資的經(jīng)紀(jì)交易商所提供的市場信息,記錄永久性減損支出為 420 萬美元,臨時(shí)性減損支出為 80 萬美元,以將公司拍賣利率證券的價(jià)值降至本財(cái)季末的估計(jì)公允價(jià)值 5870 萬美元。永久性減損支出記錄為其他收入項(xiàng)的非運(yùn)營虧損,影響 GAAP 全面攤薄收益每股 0.02 美元。80 萬美元臨時(shí)性減損支出記錄為股東權(quán)益的未實(shí)現(xiàn)損失。減損支出是未來預(yù)計(jì)資本減值,且公司目前無法通過資本增值抵消。因此,此項(xiàng)減損中不含稅收優(yōu)惠。同時(shí),公司于 2007 年 11 月 30 日將拍賣利率證券劃為長期投資。

關(guān)于羅盛軟件 (Lawson Software)

Lawson 軟件為全球40個(gè)國家來自制造、分銷、維修及服務(wù)行業(yè)的4,000 個(gè)用戶提供軟件及服務(wù)解決方案。其解決方案包括企業(yè)績效管理、供貨商關(guān)系管理、企業(yè)資源計(jì)劃、客戶關(guān)系管理、制造資源計(jì)劃、物業(yè)管理及為個(gè)別行業(yè)度身訂造的應(yīng)用程序。Lawson 的解決方案透過簡化流程、減少成本及加強(qiáng)企業(yè)運(yùn)作效能,幫助用戶簡化企業(yè)架構(gòu)及運(yùn)作。Lawson 在全球均設(shè)有辦事處,總部設(shè)于美國明尼蘇達(dá)州的圣保羅市。欲了解更多信息,請?jiān)L問 。

關(guān)于公司未來展望的注意事項(xiàng)說明:本新聞稿內(nèi)含之公司未來展望說明包括風(fēng)險(xiǎn)與不確定性因素。此未來展望說明表示 Lawson 軟件及其管理層的意向、信念及現(xiàn)在的期望,但并不代表對未來的結(jié)果有任何保證,其中所牽涉的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)與不確定性,皆可能引起實(shí)際結(jié)果與在此討論的有所出入。本公司并沒有責(zé)任對將來的每件事件及狀況在未來展望說明中做出修訂。風(fēng)險(xiǎn)與不確定性因素可能引起與在此討論的有所出入但不限于:Lawson 軟件預(yù)計(jì)由于合并后出現(xiàn)的發(fā)展及利潤發(fā)展機(jī)會的不確定性;軟件行業(yè)的不確定性;全球軍事矛盾;美國出現(xiàn)的恐怖襲擊及由于這些襲擊出現(xiàn)的其它活動;公司對針對行業(yè)出現(xiàn)改變;行業(yè)競爭加劇。關(guān)于這些說明事項(xiàng),以及可能使其與實(shí)際結(jié)果及狀況產(chǎn)生出入的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)及不確定因素,公司皆已在證券交易委員會 (Securities and Exchange Commission) Form 10-Q 文件中的最新年報(bào)內(nèi)列出。Lawson 沒有責(zé)任更新此新聞稿中任何前瞻性的資料。



(in thousands, except per share data)


Three Months % Six Months Ended %

Ended Increase Increase

Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006

(Decrease) (Decrease)


License fees $32,990 $22,041 50% $58,450 $38,809 51%

Maintenance 84,705 70,969 19% 163,219 140,553 16%

Consulting 100,907 91,483 10% 184,341 166,968 10%

Total revenues 218,602 184,493 18% 406,010 346,330 17%

Cost of revenues:

Cost of license fees 6,616 5,850 13% 13,369 10,892 23%

Cost of maintenance 16,830 13,997 20% 32,490 28,685 13%

Cost of consulting 84,155 80,289 5% 155,381 150,023 4%

Total cost of revenues 107,601 100,136 7% 201,240 189,600 6%

Gross profit 111,001 84,357 32% 204,770 156,730 31%

Operating expenses:

Research and development 21,732 22,530 (4%) 39,018 42,855 (9%)

Sales and marketing 48,214 39,898 21% 90,505 76,790 18%

General and

administrative 25,839 22,215 16% 51,562 48,205 7%

Restructuring 80 (32) +++ (65) 3,360 ---

Amortization of acquired

intangibles 3,352 2,400 40% 6,568 4,789 37%

Total operating expenses 99,217 87,011 14% 187,588 175,999 7%

Operating income (loss) 11,784 (2,654) +++ 17,182 (19,269) +++

Other income:

Interest income 5,882 3,707 59% 12,745 7,300 75%

Interest expense (2,142) (378) +++ (4,746) (645) +++

Other income (expense) (4,376) 3 --- (4,054) 43 +++

Total other income

(expense) (636) 3,332 --- 3,945 6,698 22%

Income (loss) before

income taxes 11,148 678 +++ 21,127 (12,571) +++

Provision for income

taxes 7,425 4,187 77% 11,823 6,730 76%

Net income (loss) $3,723 ($3,509) +++ $9,304 ($19,301) +++

Net income (loss) per


Basic $0.02 ($0.02) +++ $0.05 ($0.10) +++

Diluted $0.02 ($0.02) +++ $0.05 ($0.10) +++

Shares used in computing

net income (loss) per


Basic 178,453 187,376 (5%) 179,974 186,610 (4%)

Diluted 181,941 187,376 (3%) 183,520 186,610 (2%)



(in thousands)


Nov 30, 2007 May 31, 2007


Current assets:

Cash and cash equivalents $337,803 $473,963

Restricted cash - current 6,806 555

Marketable securities 25,829 74,995

Trade accounts receivable, net 158,535 162,947

Income taxes receivable 8,073 5,183

Deferred income taxes - current 18,090 17,431

Prepaid expenses and other current assets 37,698 28,196

Total current assets 592,834 763,270

Long-term marketable securities 1,809 4,878

Long-term investments 58,653 --

Restricted cash - non-current 697 6,889

Property and equipment, net 37,566 30,879

Goodwill 515,038 483,060

Other intangibles assets, net 122,983 133,456

Deferred income taxes - non-current 34,382 36,889

Other assets 19,137 19,786

Total assets $1,383,099 $1,479,107


Current liabilities:

Long-term debt - current $3,553 $3,322

Accounts payable 17,379 21,475

Accrued compensation and benefits 84,616 85,144

Income taxes payable 7,977 3,535

Deferred income taxes - current 4,855 4,605

Deferred revenue 167,397 247,587

Other current liabilities 64,311 72,986

Total current liabilities 350,088 438,654

Long-term debt - non current 244,708 245,228

Uncertain tax position - non-current 4,464 --

Deferred income taxes - non-current 12,784 12,558

Long term deferred revenue 9,138 15,817

Other long-term liabilities 5,660 11,622

Total liabilities 626,842 723,879

Stockholders’ equity:

Common stock 2,003 1,994

Additional paid-in capital 834,746 822,740

Treasury stock, at cost (178,981) (123,207)

Retained earnings 27,059 17,755

Accumulated other comprehensive income 71,430 35,946

Total stockholders’ equity 756,257 755,228

Total liabilities and stockholders’

equity $1,383,099 $1,479,107



(in thousands)


Three Months Ended Six Months Ended

Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006

Cash flows from operating


Net income (loss) $3,723 $(3,509) $9,304 $(19,301)

Adjustments to

reconcile net income

(loss) to net cash

provided by operating


Depreciation and

amortization 10,966 9,567 21,166 19,285

Amortization of debt

issuance costs 329 -- 644 --

Deferred income taxes 429 284 1,429 336

Provision for

doubtful accounts (1,292) (247) (845) 1,708

Warranty provision 1,744 465 2,800 884

Impairment on long

term investments 4,229 -- 4,229 --

Excess tax benefits

from stock transactions (700) (704) (1,721) (1,033)

Stock base

compensation expense 2,227 1,589 4,255 3,673

Amortization of

discounts on marketable

securities (63) (84) (90) (235)

Net (gain) loss on

sale of assets (3) 2 (311) 2

Changes in operating

assets and liabilities,

net of effect from


Trade accounts

receivable (12,900) (4,809) 15,472 1,173

Prepaid expenses and

other assets 2,948 4,506 (9,215) 1,679

Accounts payable 546 622 (5,495) (8,398)

Accrued compensation

and benefits and 3,202 (856) (21,979) (14,755)

other accrued


Income taxes

payable/receivable 3,885 (2,549) 8,632 (1,672)

Deferred revenue and

customer deposits (69,142) (18,252) (98,750) (14,333)

Net cash used in

operating activities (49,872) (13,975) (70,475) (30,987)

Cash flows from

investing activities:

Cash received (paid)

in conjunction with

acquisitions -- -- -- (1,995)

Purchases of


securities and

investments (25,543) (44,718) (205,098) (73,749)

Proceeds from

maturities and sales

of marketable securities

and investments 112,765 39,827 194,120 88,273

Restricted cash

designated (510) (13,468) (59) (13,468)

Purchases of property

and equipment (7,921) (2,845) (10,822) (5,473)

Net cash provided by

(used in) investing

activities 78,791 (21,204) (21,859) (6,412)

Cash flows from



Payments on long-term

debt (475) (742) (881) (973)

Cash proceeds from

issuance of

long-term debt -- 505 -- 1,768

Payments on capital

lease obligations (341) (468) (676) (961)

Exercise of stock

options 1,882 4,623 5,486 7,084

Excess tax benefit

from stock

transactions 700 704 1,721 1,033

Proceeds received

from employee stock

purchase plan 743 639 1,445 1,329

Repurchase of common

stock from related

parties -- -- (36,800) --

Repurchase of common

stock (3,082) -- (19,945) --

Net cash provided by

(used in) financing

activities (573) 5,261 (49,650) 9,280

Effect of exchange

rate changes on cash

and cash equivalents 4,820 1,312 5,824 1,166

Increase (decrease)

in cash and cash

equivalents 33,166 (28,606) (136,160) (26,953)

Cash and cash

equivalents at

beginning of

period 304,637 211,807 473,963 210,154

Cash and cash

equivalents at end

of period $337,803 $183,201 $337,803 $183,201




(in thousands)


Three % Increase Six % Increase

Months % Increase (Decrease) Months % Increase (Decrease)

Ended (Decrease) at Ended (Decrease) at

Nov 30, as constant Nov 30, as constant

2007 reported currency 2007 reported currency

License fees $32,990 50% 42% $58,450 51% 45%

Maintenance 84,705 19% 15% 163,219 16% 13%

Consulting 100,907 10% 2% 184,341 10% 4%


revenues 218,602 18% 12% 406,010 17% 12%

Total cost

of revenues 107,601 7% 0% 201,240 6% 0%



expenses $99,217 14% 8% $187,588 7% 2%

We provide the percent change in the results from one period to another using constant currency disclosure to adjust year-over-year measurements for impacts due to currency fluctuations. Constant currency changes should be considered in addition to, and not as a substitute for changes in revenues, expenses, income, or other measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with US GAAP. We calculate constant currency changes by converting entities reporting in currencies other than the United States dollar at the exchange rate in effect for the current period rather than the previous period.

Table 2

Reconciliation of Consolidated GAAP Net Income (Loss) to Consolidated Non-

GAAP Net Income

(in thousands)

Three Three Six

Months Months Months Six Months

Ended Ended Ended Ended

Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006

Net income (loss), as reported $3,723 ($3,509) $9,304 ($19,301)

Purchase accounting impact on

revenue (1) 422 3,890 1,042 8,470

Purchase accounting impact on

consulting cost 163 -- 256 --

Integration related (4) -- 3,160 -- 7,551

Amortization of purchased

maintenance contracts 1,000 891 1,822 1,848

Stock based compensation 2,226 1,591 4,254 3,676

Restructuring 80 (32) (65) 3,360

Amortization 6,472 6,355 13,143 12,751

Impairment on long term

investments 4,229 4,229

Tax (5) (2,696) (6,949) (5,723) (8,265)

Non-GAAP net income $15,619 $5,397 $28,262 $10,090

Table 3

Reconciliation of Consolidated GAAP to Consolidated Non-GAAP per Share


(in thousands)

Three Three Six Six

Months Months Months Months

Ended Ended Ended Ended

Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006

Net income (loss) per share, as

reported (2) $0.02 ($0.02) $0.05 ($0.10)

Purchase accounting impact on

revenue (1) 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.04

Purchase accounting impact on

consulting cost 0.00 0.00 0.00 --

Integration related (4) 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.04

Amortization of purchased

maintenance contracts 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01

Stock based compensation 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02

Restructuring 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02

Amortization 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.07

Impairment on long term

investments 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.00

Tax (5) (0.01) (0.04) (0.03) (0.04)

Non-GAAP net income per share (2)(3) $0.09 $0.03 $0.15 $0.05

Weighted average shares - basic 178,453 187,376 179,974 186,610

Weighted average shares - diluted 181,941 190,682 183,520 190,065

Table 4

Summary of Non-GAAP Items

(in thousands)

Three Three Six Six

Months Months Months Months

Ended Ended Ended Ended

Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006

Purchase accounting impact on

revenue (1) $422 $3,890 $1,042 $8,470

Purchase accounting impact on

consulting cost (4) 163 -- 256 --

Integration related -- 3,160 -- 7,551

Amortization of purchased

maintenance contracts 1,000 891 1,822 1,848

Stock based compensation 2,226 1,591 4,254 3,676

Restructuring 80 (32) (65) 3,360

Amortization 6,472 6,355 13,143 12,751

Impairment on long term

investments 4,229 -- 4,229 --

subtotal pre-tax adjustments 14,592 15,855 24,681 37,656

Tax provision (5) (2,696) (6,949) -5,723) (8,265)

Impact on net income $11,896 $8,906 $18,958 $29,391

(1) For the purchase accounting impact on deferred revenues for

three months ending November 30, 2007 and November 30, 2006,

$350,000 and $2,811,000, respectively, relates to maintenance

revenue and $72,000 and $1,079,000, respectively, relates to

consulting revenue.

(2) For calculation of EPS, basic weighted average shares are used

with a net loss and diluted weighted average shares are used with

net income.

(3) Net income per share columns may not total due to rounding.

(4) Represents integration related expenses relating to the acquisition

of Intentia International AB.

(5) Non-GAAP tax provision is calculated by excluding the non-GAAP

adjustments on a jurisdictional basis.





(in thousands)


Three Months Ended Six Months Ended

Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30, Nov 30,

2007 2006 2007 2006

Revenue items

Purchase accounting impact on

maintenance $350 $2,811 $852 $5,858

Purchase accounting impact on

consulting 72 1,079 190 2,612

Total revenue items 422 3,890 1,042 8,470

Cost of license items

Amortization of acquired software (3,120) (2,575) (6,575) (5,169)

Non-cash stock-based compensation (6) (14) (13) (14)

Total cost of license items (3,126) (2,589) (6,588) (5,183)

Cost of maintenance items

Amortization of purchased

maintenance contracts (1,000) (891) (1,822) (1,848)

Integration related (1) -- (18) -- (70)

Non-cash stock-based compensation (26) (77) (67) (77)

Total cost of maintenance items (1,026) (986) (1,889) (1,995)

Cost of consulting items

Purchase accounting impact on

consulting (163) -- (256) --

Amortization -- (1,380) -- (2,793)

Integration related (1) -- (410) -- (1,753)

Non-cash stock-based compensation (215) (121) (433) (357)

Total cost of consulting items (378) (1,911) (689) (4,903)

Research and development items

Integration related (1) -- 15 -- (18)

Non-cash stock-based compensation (127) (142) (291) (318)

Total research and development

items (127) (127) (291) (336)

Sales and marketing items

Integration related (1) -- (616) -- (1,542)

Non-cash stock-based compensation (370) (360) (736) (771)

Total sales and marketing items (370) (976) (736) (2,313)

General and administrative items

Integration related (1) -- (2,131) -- (4,168)

Non--cash stock--based compensation(1,482) (877) (2,714) (2,139)

Total general and administrative(1,482) (3,008) (2,714) (6,307)

Restructuring (80) 32 65 (3,360)

Amortization of acquired intangibles (3,352) (2,400) (6,568) (4,789)

Other income (expense) 4,229 -- 4,229 --

Tax provision (2) (2,696) (6,949) (5,723) (8,265)

Total Adjustments $11,896 $8,906 $18,958 $29,391

(1) Represents integration related expenses relating to the

acquisition of Intentia International AB.

(2) Based on a projected annual global effective tax rate analysis,

non-GAAP Q2 tax provision was calculated to be 39.3%. Based on a

projected annual global effective tax rate analysis, the non-GAAP tax

provision was calculated to be 38.3% for the six month period. The

non-GAAP tax provision is calculated excluding the non-GAAP

adjustments in a jurisdictional basis.

Use of Non-GAAP Financial Information

Use of Non-GAAP Financial Information In addition to reporting financial results in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, Lawson Software reports non-GAAP financial results. These non-GAAP results exclude amortization of all acquisition-related intangibles, Intentia integration costs, and other expenses. In addition, Lawson's non-GAAP financial results include pro forma revenue for maintenance and consulting contracts acquired in the Intentia acquisition for which the deferred revenue on Intentia's balance sheet has been eliminated from GAAP results as part of the purchase accounting for the acquisition. Lawson's management believes the non-GAAP measures used in this press release are useful to investors because they provide supplemental information that research analysts frequently use to analyze software companies that have recently made significant acquisitions. Management uses these non-GAAP measures to evaluate its financial results, develop budgets and manage expenditures. The method Lawson uses to produce non-GAAP results is not computed according to GAAP, may differ from the methods used by other companies, and should not be regarded as a replacement for corresponding GAAP measures. Investors are encouraged to review the reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures to the comparable GAAP results, which is attached to this release.

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